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The very first arcs were not bad, but things began to go downhill quickly after that. I truly hoped that Kubo would put an end to the story after Aizen's defeat, but this did not happen and for one reason or another this show continued to crawl forward long after its prime. No doubt Bleach does have its great moments and there are definitely some epic highlights I could point back to; however it has also been chronically plagued by fillers, which in turn have suffered from shoddy writing, poor production quality, and a general lack of appeal. These problems have been extended to the canon material as well, manifesting in a very inconsistent quality and suggesting a production budget that varies wildly from week to week. It came to the point where my standards fell so low that the only thing I hoped for each week was decent animation, no major plotholes, and a good fight to hold my attention. When even that success rate dropped to a substandard level, watching Bleach each week became a huge drag.

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6/12 Trailer For Brett Kelly's "Countrycide": The official trailer for Brett Kelly's upcoming horror flick "Countrycide", has worked it's way online.. The film Stars: Andrew Galligan, Peter Whittaker, Lee Cyr, Joel Elliot, Robin Hodge and Trevor Payer.. Plot: A Woman is lost, alone in the woods with a bear trap on her leg. It is a matter of survival as she must combat the elements, her pain and predators of both the two and four legged variety... Written and Directed By: Brett Kelly - The flick is currently in post-production and should…

La 1ère saison se terminant sur un cliffhanger, c'est donc une bonne nouvelle pour les fans, alors qu'elle semble avoir connu un vrai beau succès sur Canal+. On ignore pour le moment si la diffusion aura lieu dès 2020 ou s'il faudra attendre 2021. 7 autres séries d'invasions extra-terrestes à découvrir: Voir le diaporama Diaporama Après La Guerre des Mondes, 7 séries d'invasion extra-terrestre à (re)découvrir 8 photos Partager cet article La Guerre des mondes sur TF1: une meilleure adaptation que celle de Canal+? La Guerre des Mondes sur Canal+: que signifie la fin? [SPOILERS] La Guerre des Mondes (TF1): que vaut l'adaptation du roman de H. Wells?

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