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Welcome! It's My Birthday! Upcoming Events The Glorias Start date: September 30, 2020 End date: December 31, 2020 Time: When you purchase Location: United States, Canada More Info The Glorias | Upcoming Events Synopsis / Plot: An equal rights crusader, journalist, and activist: Gloria Steinem embodies these and more. From her role in the revolutionary women's rights movement to her travels throughout the U. S. and around the world, Steinem has made an everlasting mark on modern history. A nontraditional chronicle of a trailblazing life.

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I was taught that as well growing up, and so it is weird for me to see people throwing away half of their lunch or dinner when eating at restaurants like it's totally normal. I think it's because most of us are so disconnected from the food making process (farming, etc) that people just don't appreciate the amount of hard labor that goes into producing what we eat on a daily basis. A majority of food is now manufactured and packaged. My parents and grandparents told me that when they were young, the Chinese government made it mandatory for all city kids to go to the countryside for a month to experience life in the field, to understand and appreciate the hard work of farmers. Relatively few people are in charge of feeding entire countries! It's crazy to think about. I'm not sure if that requirement still exists. I think a month is pretty long, but it'd be nice if the US had something similar. We all go to science camp in elementary school, and if they expanded the science camp concept to visiting farms, I feel like that could be very educational.

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It feels like we've been waiting for Avengers: Endgame to hit our screens since forever tbh and finally, a year after Infinity War, the time has come. Marvel Yesterday, the cast put on a united front as they stepped out for the world premiere in LA. This, of course, included Scarlett Johansson and Brie Larson, who both happened to be wearing all of the infinity stones. As non-spoiler reviews for Endgame started hitting Twitter, it was clear to see that none of us are ready at all. Imagine the best possible version of #AvengersEndgame and somehow the film still surpasses all expectations. I cried 5-6 times. It's the most emotional, most epic, MCU film. A tribute to ten years of this universe and holy shit the great fan service in this movie. Soooo good. 04:53 AM - 23 Apr 2019 #AvengersEndgame is a masterful epic - a true culmination of 22 films that not only concludes the story, but expands upon it. You'll learn more about the other movies while this one unfolds. If Infinity War is the brawn, Endgame is the brains.

Questo indizio ha infatti il compito di far sorridere e non quello di rendere difficile il ritrovamento dell'indizio successivo (incollatelo durante il gioco se volete essere sicuri che non lo veda prima). Quando il festeggiato arriver? al water, dopo una occhiata rapida, abbasser? la tazza trovando immediatamente l'indizio successivo. Sull'indizio posizionato sul water scriviamo: una piccola montagna serve per farti centrare il prossimo indizio che dovrai decifrare (soluzione: basket). Giochino finale che porter? al tesoro. Il tesoro può essere posizionato nel baule della macchina oppure nel garage di casa e la chiave del rispettivo luogo scelto verr? inserita in una delle palle del gioco basket. Vediamo allora come preparare il gioco basket e dove posizionarlo: Scegliete un luogo che il festeggiato non vedr? fino a questo punto del gioco. Prendete il cartone 30x30 e mettetelo a terra con un lato aperto verso l'alto. Utilizzando i fogli di giornale e lo scotch fate 6 palline circa della grandezza di una palla da tennis.

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